Happy family


Will A. Turns His Life Around at Turnbridge

life after drug rehab

Will’s substance abuse history began at the young age of 11 and escalated very quickly.  The consequences of his substance abuse became undisputable when, during his junior year of high school, he was expelled as a result of getting caught using on school grounds. After a more extensive investigation, Will was charged with distribution of drugs on school property.


Shortly after, Will was sent to an inpatient program in California for 75 days. Following inpatient program, Will was enrolled in a boarding school in New Hampshire. Following his graduation, Will came back home. Within one week of being home, Will was using drugs and alcohol again. “I picked up right where I left off, and even worse,” said Will.  “I thought I could do it on my own, but I couldn’t. My way doesn’t work.”


Will continued to use substances without his family’s knowledge. “I would steal from them, manipulate them, all while they believed I was sober,” said Will.  Will’s parents caught on to what he was doing after he had taken a Xanax at work and blacked out.  Will tried to talk his way out of this situation, but was instead given the option to leave home or enroll at Turnbridge. “I didn’t want to go back to rehab, but I didn’t have any other options,” said Will. He agreed to come to Turnbridge’s rehab center.


Since arriving, Will feels he has made a huge turn-around. “I was behaving terribly and didn’t care about anyone but myself before Turnbridge,” Will said. “I have learned a ton about self-respect and self-control through this process.  I’ve grown up and matured so much.”


Today, Will holds a job and is continuing his education.  “This place and the people in it have changed my life,” Will said.  An active member of the mentor program and volunteer program at Turnbridge, Will continues to share his experience, strength, and hope with newcomers.


“I am finally me again today, and I am happy. I couldn’t be more grateful.”