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How Demi Lovato Battled Her Addiction and Chose Recovery

How Demi Lovato Overcame Addiction

  Young celebrities are exposed to external pressures, influences, and temptations that most of us will never have to face. This is why many celebrities such as Zac Efron, Lamar Odom, and Mike Sorrentino have stumbled into substance addiction. Fortunately, despite the challenges and media scrutiny, many celebrities choose recovery and share their story of resilience with the world.   Demi Lovato is the latest celebrity to use her personal experiences to encourage others struggling with substance abuse. While filming for the Disney Channel, Demi battled substance abuse as well as an eating disorder. In her memoir Staying Strong: 365 Days a Year, Demi shares everything about her experiences in hopes that her story will inspire others.   How Demi Lovato Overcame Addiction   In her memoir, Demi writes about the necessary precautions she took to make sure that she didn’t experience a relapse. Though she was filming for the X-Factor, recording an album, and performing for many high profile shows, Demi was in the midst of a recovery program that kept her accountable for her actions. Demi chose recovery and resilience by doing the following three things:  

  • Living in a sober living facility.

    Even though she was a judge on the X-Factor and still working as a professional entertainer in Hollywood, Demi made the decision to reside in a sober living facility. Demi made this choice to remove any temptation there might be to relapse when the cameras weren’t watching. Demi also says she enjoyed the company of other young women who shared a similar addiction story.

  • Meditating.

    For Demi, meditation has played a major role in her addiction recovery. Despite her busy schedule as an entertainer, Demi has always made it a priority to find time throughout the day to meditate. This is what gave her the awareness needed to overcome her eating disorder, bipolar disorder, and substance abuse.

  • Redefining her friends.

    In her memoir, Demi writes that promoters at restaurants, hotels, and clubs were consistently offering her drugs. The very people she thought were her friends were the ones who created a stumbling block that she had to overcome. Though she still works in the industry, Demi is now purposeful about whom she lets into her inner circle.

  Demi writes, “It’s better to take the time to ask questions and to find the words to say what you really feel.” She encourages others to truly examine their inner emotions to understand their addiction and move forward. For Demi, sharing her story is a way to let other young adults know that they’re not the only ones trying to find their way in the world.   Image Credit